Saturday, January 10, 2009

I started reading a book this past week, a quote on the back of the book says, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans"! Oh how true! We could chalk today as a day of experiences good ones and ones that will change us forever! Throughout the day the Lord reminded me of a couple different things. One is that it isn't about what I want but what He wants! The other is that we need to be obedient even when we would rather take the easy route! By His grace I am at peace with what He has called the Williams' family to do!

Nate and Jake were in their prime today. They spent the entire morning at the fire station working on a new truck the department just got. We went back late this afternoon and Jake gave his sisters the run down of what the truck could and couldn't do. While we were there, Nate had a call lucky for the kids that meant more time messing around with the truck, in and out, up and down. At one point Jake was driving the truck while giving out orders to about 5 other kids that were there also. Then off he goes and comes back a few minutes later with a long rope that the kids were using as a fire hose. Until one of the guys asked him if he knew how to make a knot, little did that firefighter know he would be there a while, because with Jake you ask a simple question you get a LONG answer! Don't think there is going to be any question what this boy is going to do when he grows up! In some way shape or form he will be working with fire! Literally. Oh and by the way, he already has the selective hearing thing goin on! And no I didn't just realize that! After we put him to bed tonight, Nate sat down and started clicking (ok he started doing that before we put the kids to bed but we don't want to mess up his routine! ) Jake's favorite movie Ladder 49 was on, and from his room he yelled hey are you guys watching Ladder 49?

A great experience I had today was with Kristen! Let me give you a little back ground, before Christmas my parents were in town and we were out for dinner, talking about the kid's school pictures, and Kristen asked me for one of my school pictures for her locker at school. I almost fell off my chair! What 7th grader would want their mom's picture up in their school locker? My dad looked at me and said "You should feel honored that she wants your picture up in her locker, I have never heard a junior higher ask their parent for their picture. Let alone a picture for their locker!!!" Today she was planning to go to a movie with her girlfriends, the saga went back and forth all day, are we going or are we not going, if we are going what time are we going and how are we going to get there. I finally said if isn't going to work today, we can go tomorrow, but I am going to go with you because I want to see the movie to. At the time I was just kidding around with her, around 5:00 she got a phone call from her friends saying they were at the theater and were waiting for her. Great timing! This was while we were waiting for Nate to get back from the call. My life to a "t" needing to be somewhere in 10 minutes that normally takes anywhere from 15-20 depending on traffic. But while she was on the phone with one of her girl friends she told them, "Hey my mom wants to see the movie so she will is coming along!" Once again I almost lost it! I really can't believe how blessed I am to have my pre-teen want me around her and her friends! I'll take it while I can get it!

As you know our washer quit working last Friday, on Wednesday the laundry was over flowing and we needed clean clothes! I was going to go alone for some mom time, but the kids have never experience the laundromat, so I asked Kristen if she would go along and help. What a reality check! The size of the washers totally shocked her! She couldn't get over how many of them there were, and she thought it was great that we could do all the loads at one time! After the newness wore off, she was helping out put the clothes into washers, went to put into the soap and totally over did it! She had soap everywhere. It was so bad when the washer was going through the last spin cycle there was still soap in the washer. Good thing our washer gets fixed on Tuesday!

Until next time have a great Sunday!

Good thing we have good insurance!