Saturday, December 27, 2008

Belated Merry Christmas!

As I sit to wish everyone a Merry Christmas I am in ah of my mom and that fact that she is playing with our dog, Riley! Growing up the last thing I ever thought I would see my mom do is play with a dog, let alone allowing the dog to come into the house! Maybe next year we will get my mom a dog for Christmas to keep her company! :) What do you think mom! Anyway, we have had a great time with our parents and my brother this Christmas, Nate's parents came out on Christmas Eve to hang out with us for a few days, and as soon as they walk in the door the kids wanted to open their presents. We were able to hold them off for a couple of hours, then the opening marathon started. This year was unique for our kids in the sense that they had grandparents, aunts and uncles, and mom and dad's presents to open up, but before that we did our tradition of reading a Christmas book. Thanks to my Aunt Juanita sending the kids books every year for Christmas, we started a tradition of reading a book before we can open presents! Jake was very impatient to say the least! But what 5 year old boy wouldn't be! We were quick to remind the kids that this Christmas is different because we are combining 2 Christmas' so it will feel like they are getting a lot of presents. We heard lots of "this is great" and "thanks it's just what I wanted!" Friday night the girls and I headed to the mall to spend the gift cards that were burning a hole in their pockets! We had great luck with the sales, while at the Children's Place, Kristen was helping Bekah get some clothes, and without missing a beat looked at Bekah and said, "Now you need to add some color to this outfit, how about these leggings." Another mom and I started laughing, sounded just like Clinton and Stacy from "What not to wear". Guess we have been watching to may TLC marathon's lately.

Then on Saturday we went to Huron for Christmas with my parents, brother and his fiance. The kids had a blast and got to hang out outside and slid down grandpa's hill. MiKayla even took the poor dog down the hill. And once again we heard great responses to the gifts, we are so blessed! The kids have done great with all the festivities, and not being in their normal school routine. Haven't even beat each other up to bad! :)

Update on Jake: He hit the wall on Friday, but we were warned that the meds would ware off a couple days after which would have put in on Friday. He went outside after his nap and seemed to do much better, must be because he got to spend the evening with dad, watching "boy" movies! This boy is tired of Hannah Montana! Seems to be doing much better today!

Hope you all have a great holiday weekend!

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