Sunday, December 21, 2008

Well, it's official, we have joined the blogging frenzy! Not sure how much I will blog, depends on the time I have with all the kids' activities, work, and church! With the below 0 temperatures and churches cancelling services, we decided to hang out as a family today, Nate and the 3 younger ones played NFL monopoly, while Kristen got over the fact that she isn't old enough to have a face book page yet! The woes of being a pre-teen! :0)
For those who haven't heard yet, Jake is having surgery on Tuesday, he is going to have his adenoids out and a balloon plasty on the bones around his nose and eyes. The surgery is expected to take 2 hours, Grandma Linda is coming down to hang out with the girls, hoping this will keep their mind off of the events of the day. It feels great to prayerfully coming to the end of a long year! He is excited because he wants to be the king of the house, as if he isn't already!
Will let you know how things go when we get home on Tuesday!
Stay warm!


skip said...

hey i'm the first. i suppose me and scott well have to be next

the williams said...

I'd like to see which one starts first!

Cathi said...

Amy welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I think you will find this a great outlet to feelings, thoughts etc.! Sorry that we missed the great time on Saturday night! Please know that Jake is still in our prayers especially tomorrow and that surgery will be a success!!! :0)


Jolene said...

Welcome to blogging! can be addicting. We'll be praying for Jake as well as the rest of your family. Thanks for hosting Sat. We had a great time.

waldo605 said...

I don't know when or if I'll get a blog just have to keep your eyes open at all times. Never know when I'll have one. Tell Jake that I will be thinking of him tomorrow during surgery. Tell the girls I will also be thinking of them.

Laura Rupp said...

So glad you joined the blogging world. It is fun. I hope the surgery goes well for Jake.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the world of blogging. One way of keeping in touch. I will be one of your faithful viewers. Mom