Thursday, January 29, 2009

Every time I hear someone say, "boys are so easy to raise, girls would drive me crazy." I want to just laugh. They have never lived with a boy who has 3 older sisters!! As great as it is to have a boy in the house, it also has come along with MANY challenges that we haven't had to face with the girls. Kindergarten brought on many challenges but visits to the Principal's office has topped them all.

We have been working with him and his attitude towards his sisters, his temper has a long fuse except when his sisters are around. Wednesday night we experienced it in it's finest form. MiKayla was offering him a hanger to hang up his coat, he proceeded to get upset and go over to her and kick her as hard as he could. This was followed by a "Go to your bedroom and stay there until dad comes home." I quickly glance at the clock, it was 5:05, Nate usually doesn't get home until 5:45. Guess this time out wasn't going to be the one minute per year deal!!!

I was working in the basement taking care of some things in the laundry room, when all I heard was bellowing from his bedroom. He was saying, " I wish I was a baby or a toddler! Life was so much easier when I was younger. Why do I have to grow up!" It has been a while since I laughed that hard! After I got myself together, I went in to talk to him about what he was saying. He was dead serious about not wanting to grow up and wanting to say a baby or at least a toddler, because when he was that age he didn't get into trouble and things were just easier! We had a great talk about life not being easier, he just doesn't remember getting into trouble! And as he grows older he has is going to have more choices to make, some will get him into trouble and some won't. Wow growing up going to be hard for this boy!

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