Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A couple weeks ago I came across this quote; time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. At the time it caused me to stop and think a little bit and pass it on. Well today it has taken on a totally different meaning!

These past 14 hours for our fire fighting family, have been difficult and has challenged The Williams' family to stop, slow down, and talk about enjoying the life we have!! Last night our evening started out like any other Tuesday night! School, eat, then off to get things moving for the evening! After dropping off Rebekah to cheer, MiKayla and I went in to Sioux Falls to pick up a friend for youth group, Kristen was heading to softball practice, and Nate and Jake were meeting with a couple about softball for next summer.

As MiKalya and I were in Target, I got a call from Nate that the pager was going crazy, more help was needed as another fire fighter was down and not responding. Whenever the pager goes off it is an immediate reaction, but add to it the fact that it was another firefighter. This meant it would hit even closer to home. Nate went on the call, started preparing to land the helicopter and was stopped because they couldn't revive him.

It still amazes me how a group of strong fire service men and women can go into firefighter mode to save the life of another individual! This is truly a gift from God! How would our communities survive without them! The events of last night really didn't hit home with me until this morning. On our way to school we drove by the fire station, we came upon the flags at ½ mass and black draped over the fire truck's lights and hood. WOW if that isn't enough to get one thinking! I'm sure our arm forces feel the same way when tragedy hits their extended family!

The firefighter was a strong willed individual who liked things his way! As are most individuals, if we are truly honest with ourselves! He had a way of keeping others on their toes, and again if they were honest with themselves, it probably caused them to think a little also! Maybe re-evaluate the situation and adjust things a little! In the BIG picture of life do the differences we pick apart really matter? Are our differences going to stand in the way of showing love to one another? Because if your God is the same as My God I know he has called us to be better examples than picking each other apart!!!

As I try to work through the emotions of a fire fighters wife, I just can't get the thoughts of this gentleman and his family out of my mind. I am seeing him drive his supped up fire golf cart in the last Tea Pot days, a great friend sitting next to him, and the stuffed Dalmatian dog on the back. Running into him at Pizza Ranch, talking with their family for a bit. Those days are behind us now and will not happen anymore! As Jake put it, "Who is going to drive the golf cart in the next parade?"

What does this mean for those that are still here on earth? I can only pray that since the Lord put Nate on the fire department, our family would have the opportunity to draw strength from our heavenly Father to pass on to a family that is hurting. And to an extended family that will be touched forever by this moment! It is my prayer that individuals in our fire fighting family will renew their relationship with our Heavenly Father, and if they have no idea how to do that or what it means they will feel comfortable enough to stop and ask! May the Lord show His grace on the TFD!!

Psalm 23 states:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want,

He makes me lie down in green pastures,

He leads me beside quiet waters,

He restores my soul.

He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name sake,

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil, for you are with me

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil; my cup over flows.

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!


Gloria said...

what happened to this man, did he die at a fire?

the williams said...

He died unexpectedly of a heart attack.