Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Why can't I go out and play!

At 4:50 this morning that is a statement I didn't think I would hear today! Instead I heard, "I don't want to get up and go to the hospital!" "I want to stay in my bed!" "No I don't want to go see Dr. Larsen!!!" Not a great way to start any day, especially today! All I could think was this is going to be an extremely long day, with lots of struggles! Things got better as soon as we realized Jake is normally sleep walking at this time of day, I'm sure as soon as we get outside and breath some nice SD winter air, things may change! Thank God it did! Jake and dad were outside waiting for mom, this is usually what happens only because someone needs to shut off all the lights and make sure the house isn't going to burn down! :) and he woke up. I was blessed with Jake riding with me, why does this always happen, whenever we need to take both vehicles somewhere dad gets quiet time and mom gets the herd, oh well, today I was grateful he wanted to ride with me so I could get a better sense of what I would be dealing with later on in the day.
Jake was full of questions and when over each detail of what we saw at the hospital when we went for the tour. After we got done replaying the tour, questions started coming about the surgery itself, Jake is so into details that he wanted to know how many people were going to be in the surgery room with him. Stumped me with that one, I quickly pushed that one off on Dr. Larsen, and low and behold the questions stopped! Guess since I didn't know the answer to that one it wasn't worth asking any more, and the questions stopped.
We got to his room, put on the gown, and asked for the Nintendo controller, yeah are kids spoiled today! We all had a good laugh trying to play Mario cart, driving that isn't as easy as it looks!
About 7:00 one of the nurses came to get us to take us to pre op. Jake started getting a little tense, because it is in one big room, with lots of people. Other kids crying because they can't do what they want to do, hearing conversations of others surgeries, ect... while waiting for the operating room to get cleaned up and ready for Jake we met about 4 people who were going into the surgery with Jake that ALL asked what are you here for? It was a great reminder that our children take in all we say and do! He said verbatim I am here to get my adenoids out, and they are going to put a wire up through my nose to make a passage so I can breath better, because my bones are growing bone on bone, and it is full of stuff. WOW!!! by the last nurse he took a big breath as if he was getting ready for a big speech! Need less to say they all were amazed at how detailed he was! Dr. Larsen came in to check on Jake and go over everything again with him, then asked the flood gate question, "Do you have any questions for me?" Aaahhh, let me ask a few. Dr. Larsen had him laughing before she left the room, the tension was released! Another "thank God!"
With in an hour of leaving him in the surgury room (Nate was able to go in with him to hold his hand until he was asleep) we were in the post op room, getting details of the surgery. Dr. Larsen was very impressed with how things went! Praise God, she didn't need to remove any of the bone, the wire worked along with stretching out his nasal passage (does this by putting air tube in by the wire and "ballooning" air into the area, for all the drs out there hope I am explaining this in the right way!) Things are now clear and clean! And he was told he was the best patient in days!
Recovery was quick, grandma brought the girls up to see him, and were able to make edible Christmas trees with Jake then it was time to go home. The nurse walked us to the entrance of the children's wing and Jake quickly turned around and asked "Where is the wheel chair, I would like a ride." I convinced him we were ok and that we would carry him if needed, ok Kristen would carry him if needed. He took total advantage of that one. Once we got home he slept for a couple hours, then asked if he could go outside and play in the snow with his sisters, because ya know mom I feel better! It is amazing at just how quickly he felt better, not to mention still drugged! :)
We are so blessed that we have started moving in what we feel is the right direction for him! We can only begin to pray that 2009 will be nothing like 2008 for our family where his health is concerned! Thanks for praying this year and especially today! I didn't even cry when they we wheeled him away! We could feel the Lord's presence with us all day.
Thanks for taking the time to read today's book! :)


Anonymous said...

AMEN Amy! Our prayers certainly paid off today by the detailed blog you have here. I'm glad things are going well for Jake. Did Dr. Larsen from ENT do his surgery? Hope you have a very peaceful evening and a Wonderful Merry Christmas!

Sharee & boyz

Cathi said...

Amy it was great talking to you today and I am greatful that surgery went well! Hang in there and enjoy your Christmas! Talk to you later!


Anonymous said...

glad things went good for jake. have a merry christmas. skip