Saturday, March 21, 2009

After talking with a friend last week, she reminded me that it had been a while since I blogged and she was wondering what was going on here! Some days we have been to busy to stop and think! I am going to jump right in and fill you in on the past month.

Over the last few years we have been feeling that something wasn't right with MiKayla and school, we made the leap and sent her to SFC for 4th grade. As it turns out it has been the best thing for her, she started year working everyday with a resource teacher which has a huge blessing. Early in the school year the resource teacher suggested we make an appointment with the Scotish Rite Clinic in SF to check for Dyslexia. Got the results back a couple weeks ago and it was confirmed she has dyslexia. The biggest frustration for children with dyslexia is they are so brilliant but have problems getting out what is going on in their minds!

Last Wednesday I went to conferences and while waiting for the resource teacher, I spent some time talking with Darin and Julia Glanzer. There oldest was diagnosed with dyslexia this year also. Watch out Glanzers it is in the genes! Could be possible more Glanzers out there with dyslexia they just don't know it! I am going to use the disclaimer that if something doesn't make sense on this blog it is because I have the Glanzer dyslexia gene and wasn't diagnosed at a younger age! :0) Anyway our next step is to figure out the way she learns best and move in that direction, we already have a few ideas, just need to expand on those.

Our conference with Ms. TeSlaa, MiKayla's main teacher went very well! She is loved by all the kids, has a very compassionate heart, and is excelling in Math. Having Ms. TeSlaa this year has been a huge blessing also because she has had a child with dyslexia in her class every year for the past 3 years.

In March Jake turned 6 years old! I can't believe it! Where have the past 6 years gone! I will post some pics another time, no Cathi it won't be in a month!! :0) We asked what he wanted to do for his party, of course we needed to go to the fire station. Asked him which friends from school he wanted to invite, his response was "Ya know mom only one can control himself enough to go to the station and hang out! The rest won't listen and wouldn't behave." Not sure if there are any 6 year old boys that can handle themselves at the fire station! Anyway we brought one friend home after school, hung out and then went to the fire station to just hang out and playing on the trucks.

Life for Rebekah has been pretty quiet just going with the flow. I'm sure one of these days she will have had enough and let us know, but for now we will just enjoy it! (For those who haven't been around when Bekah blows, be thankful!! When she hits that wall she hits hard!!!)

In my last post I commented on enjoying life before our 6 week volleyball marathon. Well today it ended!! The girls had a challenging 6 weeks and are going through things at school that was definitely affecting the way they were playing on the court. Oh to be in middle school again! Maybe having 6 in our class wasn't so bad after all!! This season we are chalking it up experience! Started out promising ended with just showing up on the court! That is for another blog.

That's all for now, as I need to explain to my 6 year old son why he doesn't have hair growing in his arm pits yet! Don't recall having this conversation with the girls at 6 years old!!! What else am I in store for? Those of you with boy experience, hope you are praying!! Because I know we will need it.


Cathi said...

okay I will be waiting for those pics, I am sure that it will be another month from now before you get them posted but there is hope for you yet, you did blog after all ;). hopefully we will get to see you guys tomorrow, if not maybe another time!

Anonymous said...

Amy, I think I know another Glanzer that was probably dyslexic. When Tom started writing his name it was mot. He usually mixed up his b's and d's also. Been watching for your new update. Penny

Jolene said...

It's great to have an update from your family. It sounds like things are going well. Take care!